Installing KNIME Analytics Platform
For step-by-step videos on how to install KNIME Analytics Platform, please take a look at our KNIMETV YouTube channel. |
Go to the download page on the website to start installing KNIME Analytics Platform.
The download page shows three tabs which can be opened individually:
Register for Help and Updates: here you can optionally provide some personal information and sign up to our mailing list to receive the latest KNIME news
Download KNIME: this is where you can download the software
Getting Started: this tab gives you information and links about what you can do after you have installed KNIME Analytics Platform
Now open the Download KNIME tab and click the installation option that fits your operating system.
Notes on the different options for Windows:
The Windows installer extracts the compressed installation folder, adds an icon to your desktop, and suggests suitable memory settings.
The self-extracting archive simply creates a folder containing the KNIME installation files. You don’t need any software to manage archiving.
The zip archive can be downloaded, saved, and extracted in your preferred location on a system to which you have full access rights.
Figure 1. KNIME Analytics Platform versions
Read and accept the privacy policy and terms and conditions. Then click Download.
Once downloaded, proceed with installing KNIME Analytics Platform:
Windows: Run the downloaded installer or self-extracting archive. If you have chosen to download the zip archive instead, unpack it to a location of your choice. Run
to start KNIME Analytics Platform. -
Linux: Extract the downloaded tarball to a location of your choice. Run the
executable to start KNIME Analytics Platform. -
Mac: Double click the downloaded dmg file and wait for the verification to finish. Then move the KNIME icon to Applications. Double click the KNIME icon in the list of applications to launch KNIME Analytics Platform.
Also check the KNIME Quickstart Guide and the KNIME Workbench Guide. |
Configuration settings and knime.ini file
When installing KNIME Analytics Platform, configuration settings are set to their defaults, and they can later be changed in the knime.ini file. The configuration settings, i.e. options used by the Java Virtual Machine when KNIME Analytics Platform is launched, range from memory settings to system properties required by some extensions.
You can find knime.ini
in the installation folder of KNIME Analytics Platform.
On MacOS: To locate knime.ini on MacOS, open Finder and navigate to your installed Applications.
Next, right click the KNIME application, select Show Package Contents in the menu, and navigate to Contents → Eclipse .
The knime.ini
file can be edited with any plaintext editor, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (MacOS) or gedit (Linux).
Allocating memory in knime.ini file
The entry -Xmx1024m
in the knime.ini
file specifies how much memory KNIME Analytics Platform is allowed to use.
The setting for this value will depend on how much memory is available in your machine.
KNIME recommends setting it to approximately one half of your available memory, but you can modify the value based on your needs.
For example, if your computer has 16 GB of memory, you might set the entry to -Xmx8192m
Installing Extensions and Integrations
If you want to add capabilities to KNIME Analytics Platform, you can install extensions and integrations. The available extensions range from free open source extensions and integrations provided by KNIME to free extensions contributed by the community and commercial extensions including novel technology nodes provided by our partners.
The KNIME extensions and integrations developed and maintained by KNIME contain deep learning algorithms provided by Keras, high performance machine learning provided by H2O, big data processing provided by Apache Spark, and scripting provided by Python and R, just to mention a few.
Install extensions by:
Clicking File on the menu bar and then Install KNIME Extensions…. The dialog shown in Figure 2 opens.
Selecting the extensions you want to install
Clicking "Next" and following the instructions
Restarting KNIME Analytics Platform
The Install KNIME Extensions menu provides the extensions that are available via the update sites you have enabled.
For more information, take a look at our video on How to Install Extensions in KNIME Analytics Platform. Also see the Extensions and Integrations Guide. |
Updating KNIME Analytics Platform and Extensions
It is good to make sure that you always use the latest version of KNIME Analytics Platform and its extensions.
Do this by:
Clicking File → Update KNIME…. In the dialog that opens, select the available updates you want to install and then click Next.
Proceed by following the instructions. KNIME Analytics Platform has to be restarted in order to apply the updates.
Update Sites
The Update Sites are where KNIME retrieves additional software in the form of extensions as well as updates. To see or edit the available update sites, select File → Preferences → Install/Update → Available Software Sites.
Default Update Sites
These four updates sites are provided by KNIME and are always available:
Figure 3. Available Update Sites
KNIME Analytics Platform 4.0 Update Site and KNIME Community Extensions (Trusted) are enabled by default.
Adding External Update Sites
To install extensions that are not part of the above update sites, click Add to manually add the relevant update site, inserting the Name and Location as shown in Figure 4.

After adding a new update site you will see it listed in the Available Software Sites. You must now enable it by selecting it from the list.
Adding Local Update Sites
If your working environment has limited internet access or you receive an error message “Proxy Authentication Required” when connecting to a remote update site (provided by a URL), you can install extensions from a local zip file. You can download KNIME update sites as zip files here.
Save the zip file containing the extensions to your local system
Select File → Preferences → Install/Update → Available Software Sites and enter the path to the zip file by clicking Add → Archive… as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Adding Update Sites from Zip Archive
If the same extensions are provided by a URL, you will first have to disable the update site by disabling it in the list. |
Now click Apply and Close
If the same extensions are also provided by a remote update site, you will first have to disable that update site by deselecting its entry in the Available Software Sites dialog and confirming via Apply and Close. |
Working with the Nightly Builds
Once a night, a new version of KNIME Analytics Platform is created directly from our development branch. The Nightly Build versions available here provide insight into what’s coming up in the next regular release. However, for real work, always use a version of a standard KNIME release. Also read the following disclaimer before proceeding:
Really, really, really important disclaimer This is most definitely not production quality code. These nightly builds are what we use internally to validate and test recent developments, so they are not tested as thoroughly as standard KNIME releases. Furthermore new nodes or functionality may change substantially (or disappear entirely) from one build to the next. It’s even possible that workflows you edit or create with nightly builds stop being readable by future (or past) versions… These nightlies are a great way to get a sneak peek at what may be coming in the next version of KNIME and provide feedback and suggestions. They are not a particularly safe way to do real work. |
Changelog (KNIME Analytics Platform 4.0)
Detailed changelog for v4.0.x releases
KNIME Analytics Platform 4.0.0
(see highlight summary)
Release date: June 27, 2019
New Nodes
AP-11517: Split Quickforms into Configuration and Wizard Nodes
AP-12154: Plotly Visualization Extension (12 new visualization nodes using plotly.js — Radar Plot, 3D scatter plot, error bars plot, bubble chart, etc.)
AP-11848: Amazon Authenticator
AP-11755: Integration of AWS Machine Learning Services
AP-11721: SHAP Loop (loop construct for determining feature importance for individual predictions)
AP-11594: LIME Loop Start (performs sampling for Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations)
AP-11471: DL: Create Executors for different backends
AP-10983: Container Input (Row)
AP-11319: Container Output (Row)
AP-11292: ONNX to TensorFlow converter node
AP-11071: T-SNE Node (popular dimensionality reduction technique)
AP-10903: H2O Isolation Forest (anomaly detection based on H2O Isolation Forest)
AP-10674: LDA Apply
AP-10214: Text Mining: Unique Term Extractor node
AP-9901: Duplicate Row Filter
AP-9852: JS Partial Dependence and ICE View (visualizes feature impacts on model predictions)
AP-9486: Document Viewer (JavaScript)
AP-9485: Text Processing: Brat Document Writer
AP-9272: DB Loader
AP-8687: Value Filter Definition Quickform node
AP-6993: Text Mining: Relation triplet extractor
BD-866 / BD-867 / BD-870: (Big Data Extensions): Spark Decision Tree/Random Forest/Gradient Boosted Trees Learner (based on Spark ML)
BD-914: (Big Data Extensions): Spark Predictor (Classification)
BD-926 / BD-927 / BD-928: (Big Data Extensions): Spark Decision Tree/Gradient Boosted Trees/Random Forest Learner (Regression)
BD-929: (Big Data Extensions): Spark Predictor (Regression)
BD-882: (Big Data Extensions): Create Local Big Data Environment (new)
BD-747: (Big Data Extensions): DB to Spark (new)
BD-746: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to DB (new)
BD-745: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Impala (new)
BD-744: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Hive (new)
BD-743: (Big Data Extensions): Hive to Spark (new)
BD-742: (Big Data Extensions): Impala to Spark (new)
BD-737: (Big Data Extensions): Impala Connector (new)
BD-736: (Big Data Extensions): Hive Connector (new)
BD-335: (Big Data Extensions): Spark Repartition
AP-12059: Update Infocom/ChemAxon extension to 4.0.0.v191300
AP-12032: Layout Editor: Quickform should be replaced with Wizard node
AP-11999: Prevent stop-the-world garbage collection when adding rows to buffer
AP-11931: Redesign Welcome Page
AP-11913: Improve error message for ONNX to TensorFlow Network Converter node
AP-11879: Tableau Server: Add support for authentication via API token
AP-11858: Revisit Garbage Collection in KNIME
AP-11852: Enable asynchronous writing of tables to disk at loop end nodes
AP-11851: Add suggestion in Windows installer to add KNIME AP as an exception for Windows Defender
AP-11814: Action to open linked components in the browser from AP
AP-11788: Link (and update) templates/components when dragged and dropped from browser
AP-11777: Provide Plotly example templates for the Generic JS view
AP-11773: Parameter Optimization Loop: Bayesian Optimization with Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE)
AP-11769: Add option for a custom error message to Breakpoint
AP-11767: Add MAPE error metric to the Numeric Scorer
AP-11764: Improve error message display of Wrapped Metanodes
AP-11763: Enable templates in Generic JS View
AP-11738: Search View for Hub
AP-11733: Retire Wrapped Metanodes; Introduce "Components"
AP-11722: DevDoc: Add .qualifier to version number in NumberFormatter Example
AP-11713: Various workflowalizer improvements
AP-11701: Keras: Add causal as padding option for Conv1D
AP-11650: Kafka Producer: Add option to send records asynchronously
AP-11635: Support sending of JDBC parameter via JDBC url and not only properties file
AP-11628: Improve workflow metadata editing
AP-11575: Tweak dictionary page size for Parquet Table Store
AP-11424: Shapley Values Loop (loop construct to determine feature importance for individual predictions)
AP-11365: Prevent unnecessary db query execution between configure and execute
AP-11336: Support the extended character limit also for Retweets
AP-11334: Implement a sliding window cache table
AP-11277: CSV Writer with option to write numbers in scientific notation (default was: scientific but will be non-scientific now)
AP-11244: Upgrade Java Version (from Oracle JRE 1.8.0_152 to OpenJDK 8u202-b08)
AP-11221: Add support in S3 node for switching roles
AP-11217: Unit-Test-based Performance Benchmarking Suite for KNIME Core
AP-11202: Move domain update into separate thread
AP-11191: Remove Warning "Table has k rows, ignored all rows except the first one" from Table row to variable node
AP-11165: Less verbose logging in knime.log file and KNIME console ("WARN" as new default minimum level) — speed-up for logging intensive workflows, e.g. using loops
AP-11091: Replace GZIP compression of KNIME tables with speed-optimized algorithm
AP-11076: Revise Kerberos preference page
AP-11044: Tensor Processing: Explicitly handle forks in graph during execution
AP-11008: Veto annotation selection when clicking out of content edit mode
AP-10887: Start annotation content edit in annotation editing mode by single-click on selected annotation
AP-10871: Text Mining: Meta Info Extractor to fit to new Meta Info Inserter
AP-10870: Text Mining: Meta Info Inserter to add multiple meta information
AP-10848: Add VirtualTensorOpSpecs for all "Views." operations from ImgLib
AP-10844: Allow FileStoreCells referencing zero FileStores
AP-10685: Internal data handling: Optimize asynchronous table write
AP-10684: Optimize when and how to write tables to disk
AP-10682: Text Mining: Add option for case sensitivity for StanfordNLP NE Learner
AP-10546: Image Processing: LabelingValue and Cells
AP-10534: DL Framework: Support String inputs
AP-10499: Text Mining: Improve preprocessing nodes that use regex
AP-10367: Random Strategy for Feature Selection
AP-10340: Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection
AP-10215: Text Mining: Option for Dict Replacer (2 inports) to replace terms with default value that are not included in dictionary
AP-10205: Column-based storage: Row iterator for range of rows
AP-10139: Extract Date&Time Fields: Add option to extract the week-based year
AP-10082: Refactor LDA Node
AP-9903: Range slider should be able to fix one of the 2 ends so you filter by just moving lower or upper bound.
AP-9606: Dropping file from Explorer should mimic node-from-Node-Repository drop behavior
AP-9574: Enable focus traversal in node dialogs (via TAB, SHIFT-TAB, CTRL-TAB and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB)
AP-9479: REST Client Nodes (GET, POST, …) support NTLM authentication
AP-9129: Complement context menu settings with toolbar for annotations
AP-8904: DL Framework: Deprecation mechanism for converters
AP-8505: DL Python: Preference page
AP-8465: Python: Better error message if arrow is not installed or installed in a wrong version
AP-8433: Python Installation: Make it easier to setup KNIME Python
AP-8308: DL: Allow to select used CPU/GPU in DL nodes
AP-7816: Text Mining: constructor of Author class must not set different name values other than given parameters
AP-7019: Support knime URLs for 'Binary Objects to Files'
AP-5943: Add encoding options to SDF Reader and Writer
AP-5320: Google Analytics Query Node - Improved segments support (migrate to new dynamic segments API, add advanced segments support)
AP-5087: Number to String and String to Number (with and without PMML) with new column filter panel ("enforce in/exclusion")
BD-336: (Big Data Extensions): Show number of partitions in tooltip and view of Spark data output ports
BD-909: (Big Data Extensions): Remove license check on KNIME Server for Parquet/ORC Reader and Writer nodes
BD-740 (Big Data Extensions): Hive support for DB Loader
BD-741 (Big Data Extensions): Impala support for DB Loader
BD-795: (Big Data Extensions): Code completion in PySpark nodes
Bug Fixes
AP-11998: OSM nodes: Default Open Street Map Tile-Server not available anymore
AP-11994: "Quick jump to function" does not work properly for String Manipulation/Math Formula
AP-11920: Expression syntax check broken in some nodes
AP-11285: Failed attempt to create multiple SWT Displays
AP-12073: Dynamic Node Generation Framework logs Error for SVG outport, even if SVG image is not output.
AP-12068: Can’t use "Configuration" and "Widget" nodes in a sequence
AP-12036: Window for Shared Components Link Type still references "Metanode Template"
AP-12002: Deadlock when opening a workflow with an executed node that wants to access the flow variables via NodeModel.getAvailableInputFlowVariables() in NodeModel.loadInternals()
AP-11992: Wrong Message when Dragging’n’dropping components from browser (hub) to AP workbench
AP-11961: Reading and Writing BLOB/Binary object columns doesn’t work for various databases
AP-11950: Allow to select no constant column in Feature Selection Loop Start nodes
AP-11917: PCA Apply node doesn’t execute if number of dimensions > number of input columns even if the number of dimensions selection is disabled
AP-11882: Sharing Components whose name contains trailing spaces fails
AP-11877: Python: Nodes not printing to dialog console
AP-11867: H2O Integration: MOJO Reader kills JVM if the MOJO is overwritten during reading
AP-11854: DoubleCell hashCode not compatible with equals for 0.0 and -0.0
AP-11836: Location of File in Excel Reader cannot be controlled via FlowVariable
AP-11798: Example workflows in LOCAL contain deprecated nodes
AP-11784: H2O Integration: Rename H2O Regression Scorer to H2O Numeric Scorer
AP-11783: H2O Integration: MOJO predictors don’t set warnings about missing columns during execution
AP-11780: Workflow Migration Tool throws NullPointerException when migrating nodes with lazily initailized NodeFactories
AP-11778: Workflow Migration Tool "swallows" unconnected ports of metanodes
AP-11758: Container Output (JSON) always takes first column to fill example
AP-11752: Expression Engine: Cannot return collections
AP-11747: Buffer flusher persists beyond workflow execution
AP-11744: Forward compatibility: Enable the loading of workflows saved with snappy-compressed data in pre-3.8.0 KNIME AP
AP-11725: H2O Integration: Rework Generalized Linear Model Learner dialog
AP-11710: Resetting Wrapped Metanode keeps successors in queued state
AP-11705: Favorite Nodes View: Most frequently and last used nodes won’t get updated when nodes are dragged and dropped
AP-11667: Breakpoint node remains active even if in inactive branch
AP-11655: Database Driver window missing Dialog buttons on Linux
AP-11649: XLS Writer throws IOException when writing to knime protocol and file does not exist.
AP-11581: H2O Integration: Ports of H2O scorer nodes are reversely ordered
AP-11574: Editing node annotations results in poor performance / UX
AP-11572: PCA Node Doesn’t Always Reduce Dimensions Properly
AP-11532: Bad error message when Table Reader is unable to read .table file written with Parquet extension (but extension is not installed)
AP-11494: Tableau Preferences panel error with only Hyper nodes/sdk installed
AP-11485: Prediction Fusion: Improve description of minimum and maximum method
AP-11483: (Linux only) Entering annotation edit mode changes background of other view components in KNIME UI
AP-11477: SSH Connection Does Not Resolve Non-Existing Path Correctly
AP-11469: Rule Engine nodes - unclear description regarding comments
AP-11464: Missing Value node: Loading missing cell handlers causes ConcurrentModificationException
AP-11463: DL Keras Layer nodes allow white spaces in names but they do not work
AP-11462: Template link type cannot be updated from component
AP-11449: Options Use full path and Truncate prefix in Upload node not working correctly
AP-11443: Edit Nominal Domain doesn’t show domain values in dialog on re-open
AP-11436: Container Input (Row) populates swagger example in wrong format
AP-11433: Port Objects are not copied in Streaming Mode
AP-11430: Unclear error message in the Container Input (Row) node
AP-11421: XGBoost: Fix dialog loading issue in learners
AP-11411: Renderer to Image: NPE on first dialog
AP-11402: H2O Integration: Rework Random Forest and Gradient Boosting Machine dialogs
AP-11381: Multiple Scroll bars in JavaScript Views
AP-11379: Excel Writer and Excel Sheet Appender automatically add xlsx, after xlsm
AP-11375: Renaming workflow with open report yields to lock on workflow
AP-11353: Interval Loop Start outputs rounding errors
AP-11327: Typo in "Category To Number" node description
AP-11276: Communication between Chromium browser window and Java sometimes 'hangs'
AP-11245: Source directory structure not deleted in KNIME Explorer when moving (and merging) directories
AP-11211: Typo in regexReplace function in String Manipulation and Column Expressions
AP-11208: DatabaseSession creation blocks workflow loading if db is not reachable
AP-11204: Potential race condition when canceling an executing node
AP-11201: JSON Path: table in configuration dialog not updating on macOS
AP-11196: Wait node ignores existing files
AP-11180: Extract Context Properties throws IlegalArgumentException in newly created workflows
AP-11178: Connections of MongoDB Nodes are not closed
AP-11170: JSON Reader: fails for UTF-8 encoded file with BOM
AP-11169: Corrupted display when creating a component
AP-11164: Java Snippet nodes: Expressions get unnecessarily re-compiled during configuration — makes fast executing loops much slower (factor 10-100)
AP-11139: "Reference Column Resorter" fails when reference table contains unknown values
AP-10989: DL Python Network Creator can’t create network with tf.string input/output
AP-10972: Jsonpath does not generate missing values for string columns
AP-10888: Gradient Boosted Trees to PMML produces invalid PMML
AP-10812: H2O Predictor (Classification) probability column names differ from other predictor nodes
AP-10532: DL TensorFlow: Reader: Tensor doesn’t appear in ouputs drop-down of advanced settings
AP-10515: Text editor auto-completion is buggy on Windows, crashes on Mac
AP-10513: Stacked Area Chart does not respond to filters on excluded columns
AP-10471: DB SQL Executor accepts an empty SQL statement
AP-10411: Drag & drop files to KNIME Explorer stops working
AP-10199: Data Explorer nodes refers incorrectly to nominal columns charts as "histograms"
AP-7020: (Database) GroupBy node produces duplicate columns when doing Type Based aggregation
AP-6588: Problems with Linear Discriminant Analysis Node
AP-1590: NodeLogger isDebugEnabled always returns true
BD-921: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Hive on HDP 3.1 fails when writing to non-default DB
BD-916: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet writer can be run with empty filename
BD-912: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet Reader nodes fail when executed in parallel
BD-898: (Big Data Extensions): Orc/Parquet reader fail to read from remote filesystems in streaming mode
BD-894: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet and ORC Reader fail to read from Kerberos-secured HDFS
BD-824: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet/ORC Reader/Writer Type mapping entry missing in node description
BD-812: (Big Data Extensions): ORC Reader should handle type conversion failures more gracefully
BD-810: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Parquet/ORC doesn’t exclude all columns in Partitions Tab if the spec changes
BD-180: (Big Data Extensions): HttpFS Connection node does not report on errors properly
KNIME Analytics Platform 4.0.1
Release date: August 15, 2019
AP-12371: Display technical JDBC driver ID together with human-readable driver name
AP-12119: Copy&Paste of workflow from Hub
AP-12114: Allow to disable DB transactions
AP-12001: UI improvements to the metadata editor
Bug Fixes
AP-12458: Dragging on a shared component containing a credentials configuration from remote freezes KNIME
AP-12398: Master Page panel in BIRT is inaccessible (greyed out)
AP-12357: Order of possible values produced by File Reader is non-deterministic
AP-12341: Excel Reader - More Options dialog grayed out
AP-12239: Joiner node with empty table in top port generates ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in 4.0.0
AP-12238: KNIME 4.0 ignores logging information from any class except {org|com}.knime.* (breaks log messaging from partner extensions)
AP-12198: Chromium 75 update causes error modals to automatically close
AP-12159: AP does not prompt for initial workspace location on first startup
BD-950: (Big Data Extensions): Create Spark Context (Livy) fails with UnsupportedOperationException when using S3 Connection as file system
AP-12545: Endless update of annotation data if workflow is set dirty
AP-12542: Opening workspace created with AP 3.5 yields nullpointer
AP-12525: Violin Plot View fails with JS error if "Skip Rows with missing values" is selected
AP-12510: SHAP Loop Start can get stuck in sampling loop
AP-12501: DB Loader fails if Hive or Impala table does not exist during configure
AP-12496: Send to Tableau Server (Hyper): Cannot set project id
AP-12494: Improve the validation mechanism of database connector nodes
AP-12484: XGBoost Predictor can’t deal with different column orders
AP-12478: R: Error logged: Error reading output of R process
AP-12470: SSH Connection does not correctly handle remote knime:// URLs for private key
AP-12459: DeepLearning4J: Settings loading dependent on locale
AP-12451: Hive/Impala Loader fails if default schema is read-only
AP-12373: Prevent registering JDBC drivers with built-in driver IDs/names
AP-12369: DB driver URL template should be used by all dedicated DB connector nodes when driver is selected
AP-12364: DB connection context property resolution does not work with Kerberos
AP-12333: Cannot move/copy and overwrite multiple workflows in KNIME Explorer
AP-12329: Parameterized DB Query Reader fails if the same column name is used multiple times in the query
AP-12282: Data files getting overwritten without being asked when drag’n’dropped or copied&pasted into explorer
AP-12275: Range Slider Filter node outputs rounding erros
AP-12270: H2O Integration: Add validation setting to GLM to fix lambda search
AP-12242: H2O Integration: Partitioning and missing value imputation may change the column types
AP-12232: KNIME Hub cannot be removed via preferences
AP-12225: Metanode/component port migration errors
AP-12223: Violin Plot fixes
AP-12221: Bubble Chart node displays different bubble size if group-by column is provided
AP-12220: Drag’n’drop problem with Image Processing nodes from Hub to AP
AP-12216: When clicking "deploy to server" while the server is still fetching the view will never update
AP-12209: Plotly (Scatter Plot) no data in image when using OpenGL library
AP-12207: List Remote Files can’t handle knime:// protocol with whitespaces
AP-12201: Variable Expressions shows wrong label for the evaluation
AP-12200: H2O Generalized Linear Model Learner nodes fail if lambda = 0
AP-12197: Component not found on Hub even though it exists
AP-12181: Metanode dialogs refer in disclaimer text to 'quickforms' and 'components' — they shouldn’t.
AP-12180: Plotly Bubble Plot: leaving title blank still results in a default title being displayed
AP-12179: Divide by zero error in Statistics node
AP-12164: Starting KNIME AP on Windows with new workspace yields all mount points fully expanded
AP-12162: Fix Plotly suggested extension or update how nodes are registered with their extensions
AP-12161: File Upload Widget does not behave like File Upload
AP-12160: Upload node truncate prefix function does not work for prefixes containing whitespaces
AP-12157: Component referred to as Meta Node when sharing of template fails
AP-12147: Document Grabber Node gives n-1 documents
AP-12101: Table View: Multiple Scroll bars
AP-12100: Pie/Donut Chart: Multiple Scroll bars
AP-12099: Tagged Document Viewer: Multiple Scroll bars
AP-12097: PDP Obsolete Axis Title Settings
AP-12095: Node Description PDP/ICE node does not describes correctly input ports
AP-12093: PDP/ICE node description should reference a soon to be published Hub example workflow
AP-12061: Naming and description of Out-of-Bag Port of Tree Ensemble and Random Forest learners is confusing
AP-12060: Plotly nodes: Create legend group for missing values
AP-12047: Table Validator typo in error message "CONVERTION"
AP-11990: Jumping workflow when editing node annotation
AP-11567: RServe instances dies during execution
AP-11310: Credential Input nodes always use first workflow credential if multiple credentials are available
AP-11224: Explorer: Error while moving directory to parent directory
AP-11150: Components: inconsistent tab-title and node annotation
AP-7245: Gradient Boosted Tree ArrayIndexOutOfBounds problem
AP-6372: Parallel Chunk loop with large parallelization and nested scopes might error with: "Too many nested loops: 128"
BD-957: (Big Data Extensions): Create Local Big Data Environment should always use the built in driver
BD-956: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet Reader’s type by name mapping dialog does not work
BD-955: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet Reader/Writer should support Parquet types ENUM, JSON, INT8/16/32/64, TIME_MICROS and TIMESTAMP_MICROS
BD-951: (Big Data Extensions): Spark Job Server Job Controller fails on job result deserialization with tmp file exists
BD-942: (Big Data Extensions): PySpark nodes only update FlowVariables if Dialog is opened
BD-938: (Big Data Extensions): DB Loader with Impala fails to upload tables with LocalDate(Time) columns
BD-937: (Big Data Extensions): DB Loader with Hive fails on CDH 6 with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
BD-936: (Big Data Extensions): DB Port of Create Local Big Data Environment node fails to load when opening an already executed workflow
BD-935: (Big Data Extensions): PySpark configuration dialog does not open due to NullPointerException when Spark 1.x is chosen in Spark preferences
KNIME Analytics Platform 4.0.2
Release date: October 1, 2019
AP-12603: Jaro Winkler Distance for Similarity calculation
AP-12593: Improve performance of Math Formula (Multi Column)
AP-12080: Automatically install missing extensions after component drag and drop
Bug Fixes
AP-12685: Filter definition not applied in Range Slider Filter Definition node
AP-12799: Fix performance problems with DB framework
AP-12764: Dictionary Tagger (Multi Column) does not tag correctly when using >1 parallel threads
AP-12725: Tile View and Tagged Document Viewer do not work with IE11
AP-12709: Reduce memory footprint of Reference Row Filter Node
AP-12692: Resizing of Tagged Document Viewer is not working
AP-12672: Text Mining: Unique Term Extractor counts sentence frequency instead of document frequency
AP-12640: Dialog of String Distances cannot be opened if Distance Measure does not exist
AP-12612: Disallow overwriting files in KNIME Explorer with files of different type
AP-12599: Credentials Widget fails when initially put into the workflow
AP-12562: Date&Time Widget: Next button in WebPortal not working
AP-12546: DecisionTreeViews can throw NPE
AP-12536: SHAP and Shapley Values loop end fail with uninformative error if no prediction column is chosen
AP-12518: Violin plot node does not accept two or more interactive filter definitions
AP-12517: Document Tagger Viewer: Shows words/ letters as tagged, which aren’t.
AP-12515: New database feature added to knime-ap target platform
AP-12509: PDP / ICE view is not responsive in composite view and it ignores custom pixel sizes of layout panel
AP-12502: H2O Integration: Table to H2O ignores nominal columns with invalid domains without any warnings
AP-12481: 'Rule Engine Variable' gives wrong results if input variable is overwritten
AP-12472: Decision Tree View doesn’t open for Random Forest Trees
AP-12288: Plotly nodes are not reacting to nominal filter events
AP-12196: Tagged Document Viewer: "Show title in document"squeezes inner title on Windows
AP-11269: Executed Keras Input Layer doesn’t work after upload and download from server
AP-10694: Right clicking node annotation shows z-order menu
AP-10416: Write only status information in DB Manipulation nodes
AP-6266: Decision Tree Learner fails on RootSplitColumn without domain values
BD-973: (Big Data Extensions): Create Spark Context (Livy) fails with exception if spark.ui.enabled is false