
KNIME Modern UI Preview is the current development state of the new user interface for the KNIME Analytics Platform. The extension allows you to create and build workflows or open existing workflows, and modify them.

00 teaser
Figure 1. KNIME Modern UI Preview

This extension is considered a preview and is currently under development.

You can provide us feedback about the KNIME Modern UI here


You can install KNIME Modern UI Preview from:

  • KNIME Hub: go to the KNIME Modern UI Preview Extension page on KNIME Hub. Here, drag and drop the squared yellow icon to the workbench of KNIME Analytics Platform.

  • KNIME Analytics Platform: go to FileInstall KNIME Extensions… in the toolbar and find KNIME Modern UI Preview under KNIME Labs Extensions or type Modern UI Preview in the search bar.

For more detailed instructions refer to the Installing Extensions and Integrations section on the KNIME Analytics Platform Installation Guide.

Switch to Modern UI Preview user interface perspective

After a restart a button Open KNIME Modern UI Preview appears in the top right corner. Click the button Open KNIME Modern UI Preview. It will switch to the new user interface. You are now able to create a new workflow or open existing workflows.

01 switch perspective to knime modern ui preview
Figure 2. Button position to Open KNIME Modern UI Preview

Switch back to current KNIME Analytics Platform

If you want to switch back to the current KNIME Analytics Platform user interface, use the button at the top right corner.

02 switch perspective back to current knime analytics platform
Figure 3. Button position to switch back to the current KNIME Analytics Platform user interface

Really, really, really important disclaimer

Workflow elements such as connectors or annotations are visualized in a new way and may not look exactly like in the current KNIME Analytics Platform. Changes will therefore not look 100% the same.

Entry page

The entry page will be displayed if you switch the perspective directly with an opened “Welcome Page”. Here you are able to start creating a new local workflow or open an existing local workflow.

03 knime modern ui entry page
Figure 4. Entry page to create or open workflows

User interface

The active workflow of the KNIME Analytics Platform will be displayed after switching from an opened workflow. If you have open multiple workflows before you switch the perspective, only the active workflow and all loaded workflow tabs of the current KNIME Analytics Platform will be displayed in the KNIME Modern UI. For each workflow you will see a workflow tab after switching. After clicking the first tab (with the KNIME logo) you end up at the entry page.

04 knime modern ui general layout
Figure 5. General user interface layout — application tabs, side panel, workflow editor and node monitor
05 knime modern ui explanation
Figure 6. User interface elements – workflow toolbar, node action bar, rename components and metanodes

We will add more features in the future e.g. browsing and opening workflows directly with an integrated explorer, and a way of annotating your workflow and nodes with a new editor.

Adding nodes to the canvas

Currently there are three ways of adding nodes to your canvas to build your workflow:

  1. Drag and drop a node from the node repository,

  2. double click on a node inside the node repository, or

  3. drop a connection into an empty area inside the workflow canvas to display the quick nodes adding panel. Up to 12 recommended nodes are displayed inside this panel. Click the desired node to add it.

06 knime modern ui quick nodes adding
Figure 7. Quick nodes adding with recommended nodes

To use quick nodes adding you need to allow us to receive anonymous usage data. This is possible at the startup of the KNIME Analytics Platform or after switching to a new workspace by selecting Yes in the “Help improve KNIME” dialog.

07 help improve knime dialog
Figure 8. “Help improve KNIME” dialog

You can also activate it, via the Open Preference button that is displayed in the quick nodes adding panel.

Click here to find out what is being transmitted. If you don’t want to do this anymore, you can deactivate it at any time in the KNIME Workflow Coach Preferences.

To open the preferences follow these steps:

  1. Switch back the perspective to the current KNIME Analytics Platform User Interface

  2. Open the preferences

    1. Linux or Windows: File → Preferences → KNIME → Workflow Coach

    2. macOS: KNIME → Preferences → KNIME → Workflow Coach

  3. Deactivate the setting Node Recommendations by the Community

08 knime preferences workflow coach
Figure 9. Workflow Coach Preferences


The listed shortcuts are only working inside the KNIME Modern UI Preview. They cannot be changed at the moment. The eclipse preferences have no impact on them.

General actions

Table 1. The supported shortcuts
Action Mac Windows & Linux

Create workflow

⌘ N

Ctrl + N

Open workflow

⌘ O

Ctrl + O

Close workflow

⌘ W

Ctrl + W

Save workflow

⌘ S

Ctrl + S


⌘ C

Ctrl + C


⌘ X

Ctrl + X


⌘ V

Ctrl + V


⌘ Z

Ctrl + Z


⌘ ⇧ Z

Ctrl + Shift + Z




Table 2. The supported shortucts for execute nodes, reset and cancel node execution
Action Mac Windows & Linux










Execute all nodes

⇧ F7

Shift + F7

Cancel all nodes

⇧ F9

Shift + F9

Reset all nodes

⇧ F8

Shift + F8

Start step loop execution

⌘ ⌥ F6

Ctrl + Alt + F6

Pause step loop execution

⌘ ⌥ F7

Ctrl + Alt + F7

Resume step loop execution

⌘ ⌥ F8

Ctrl + Alt + F8

Zooming and Panning

Table 3. The supported shortcuts related to zooming and panning
Action Mac Windows & Linux

Fit to screen

⌘ 1

Ctrl + 1

Fill entire screen

⌘ 2

Ctrl + 2


⌘ 0

Ctrl 0

Zoom in

⌘ \+

Ctrl \+

Zoom out

⌘ -

Ctrl -

Panning workflow canvas

hold “SPACE” — while pressing left mouse button canvas can be moved around

hold “SPACE” — while pressing left mouse button canvas can be moved around

Component and metanode building

Table 4. The supported shortcuts related to build components and metanodes
Action Mac Windows & Linux

Create component

⌘ K

Ctrl + G

Expand component

⌘ ⇧ K

Ctrl + Shift + K

Create metanode

⌘ G

Ctrl + G

Expand metanode

⌘ ⇧ G

Ctrl + Shift + G

Rename component or metanode



Open component layout editor

⌘ D

Ctrl + D

Trouble shooting

If it is not anymore possible to switch back, e.g. due to an error that is not closable, use the following shortcut:

Table 5. Switch perspective back to current KNIME Analytics Platform
Action Mac Windows & Linux

Switch perspective back to current KNIME Analytics Platform

⌘ F8

Ctrl + F8