Extensions and integrations provide additional functionality such as access to and processing of complex data types, as well as the use of advanced algorithms.

The Extension Installation Guide explains how to install extensions and integrations.
Check which Update Sites are currently enabled in your installation.

KNIME Extensions

Open source KNIME Extensions are developed and maintained by KNIME. New extensions and integrations are added with every regular KNIME release. The KNIME Extensions page gives you an overview of the extensions available for KNIME Analytics Platform.

The update sites including KNIME extensions are available by default. Find them by clicking the info icon in the top right corner of the KNIME Analytics Platform. You are now on the info page. Under Resources scroll down to Install Extensions. In the dialog that opens, they are listed under KNIME & Extensions or KNIME Labs Extensions

KNIME Labs Extensions comprise new extensions whose functionality may not yet be finalized.

KNIME Integrations

Like open source KNIME Extensions, we also develop and maintain open source KNIME integrations. Using KNIME integrations, you can access open source projects and add their functionality to your KNIME workflow. Enrich your KNIME workflow with deep learning algorithms provided by Keras, for example, or with high performance machine learning provided by H2O, big data processing provided by Apache Spark, and scripting provided by Python and R.

KNIME integrations are added and supplemented with every regular KNIME release. On the KNIME Integrations website you’ll find an overview of the current KNIME Integrations.

The KNIME integrations can be installed from the KNIME Analytics Platform update site, which is enabled by default:
Click the info icon in the top right corner of the KNIME Analytics Platform. You are now on the info page. Under Resources scroll down to Install Extensions. You’ll see the KNIME Integrations in the dialog window that now opens.

Open Source Extensions

KNIME Open Source extensions include functionality specific to various industries and domains such as chemo- and bioinformatics, and image processing.

What is the difference to KNIME extensions, developed and maintained by KNIME?

Open Source extensions are provided and maintained by community developers.

Some of the Open Source extensions are trusted Open Source extensions. These extensions have been tested for backward compatibility and compliance with the KNIME usage model and quality standards. These trusted Open Source extensions are on the KNIME Community Extensions (Trusted) update site, which is enabled by default in Available Software Sites (click the cog button to open the Preferences dialog → Install/UpdateAvailable Software Sites).

The stringent requirements for trusted Open Source extensions are not necessarily fulfilled by the experimental Open Source extensions, which come directly from the labs of our community developers. Find them on the Community Extensions (Experimental) update site, which is included (but not enabled!) in the Available Software Sites by default.

Note: The Community Extensions (Experimental) update site is disabled by default. To install these extensions, you have to enable the update site in the Available Software Sites dialog.

Partner Extensions

Partner extensions provide additional capabilities offered and maintained by our partners. They range from industry specific functionality to scientific software integrations. Some of the extensions are free, others require a license. These extensions are on the KNIME Partner Extensions Update Site, which is enabled by default.