
KNIME Community Hub is a KNIME-managed Hub instance.

It is a central place to collect the common knowledge base among the KNIME Community and it has search functionalities as well as collaboration capabilities.

On KNIME Community Hub you can search for nodes, extensions, components, and workflows made available by the community.

You can use these as blueprints and building blocks in KNIME Analytics Platform, and build workflows to solve your data science use cases.

KNIME Hub can also be used to upload and organize workflows in a central place, and to collaborate with other users on your projects.

Via KNIME Hub you can:

  • Find workflows, components uploaded by KNIME Community

  • Upload and organize your workflows and components in projects

  • Create and manage projects

  • Collaborate with other users on your projects

KNIME Hub as a repository

Not only KNIME Community Hub serves as a repository for nodes, components, workflows, and extensions, ready to use in KNIME Analytics Platform via an easy drag & drop, but also you can use KNIME Community Hub to share your workflows with the KNIME Community or to store and organize your material in a private space.

Create a user account

First, if you do not have one already, create a user account. Go to KNIME Hub, click Sign in on the top right corner of the page, and then select Create account. Fill in the required information and click Create new account. Now you can sign in with your account. Click the user icon on the top right corner of KNIME Hub and select Profile from the menu to have access to your profile page. Here you can have an overview of the workflows and components you published, the extensions you published in case you have developed any of those, and the likes received. Also, you will have a list of the items you liked on KNIME Hub.

KNIME Hub spaces

From your profile page or by clicking your profile icon and selecting Spaces you will have access to the KNIME Hub spaces that are linked to your user account. A space is a KNIME Hub repository where you can store and share your workflows and components. When you register and sign in KNIME Hub two spaces will be automatically created. These are a private space and a public space, which have different access permissions. You can manage your spaces by changing their name or adding a description to them. You can upload your items from KNIME Analytics Platform to the spaces you have access to. Moreover, you can create new spaces, both private and public. Finally, you can add contributors to your public spaces. All these functionalities will be explained in the following paragraphs.

Access permissions of spaces

You are the owner of your spaces. Each space is linked and assigned to a specific user.

Spaces can be private or public:

  1. A private space is only accessible and manageable by your user account. Here you can store various types of items like workflows, components, or data.

  2. A public space, instead, is visible to the entire KNIME Community where you can share your workflows and components. Everyone will then be able to download them, drag & drop them to their KNIME Analytics Platform and use it, as well as like your spaces or items, or copy a link to your space and share it with others.

It is also possible to switch a space from private to public and vice versa. To do so go to the private space you want to make public, click the three dots on the top right part of the page and under Visibility select Make public (or vice versa select Make private).

img change space visibility
Figure 9. Change the visibility of a space on KNIME Hub

Manage your spaces

You can manage your spaces at any point in time by going back to the space page.

You can change the space’s name by going on the space page and clicking the title. Insert the new name in the title field and click the yellow tick button or press Enter to save. Click the x button instead to discard your changes.

img change space name
Figure 10. Change the name of a space

You can also add a description to your space by clicking Add description at the bottom of the space page. Again, click the yellow tick button or press Enter to save your changes, or the x button to discard them.

img add description space
Figure 11. Add a description to a space

The description will be shown in the overview of your spaces in the corresponding space tile.

Create a new space

You can create a space from your profile’s spaces overview. Here, the spaces you have access to are shown, ordered by the latest update. Go to the last tile Create new space and select if you want to create a Private space or a Public space. You can choose a name for the space and the space will be created.

Delete a space

To delete a space you can go to the space page, click the three dots on the top right and select Delete space. You will be asked to insert the name of the space.

img delete space
Figure 12. Delete a space from KNIME Hub

Connect to KNIME Hub

You can access KNIME Hub from the KNIME Hub mount point and upload your workflows and components directly from your local KNIME Analytics Platform instance to KNIME Hub.

KNIME Hub mount point

You can connect to your KNIME Hub account on KNIME Analytics Platform on the KNIME Explorer, using the My-KNIME-Hub mount point.

To do so go into the KNIME Explorer, expand the My-KNIME-Hub mount point, and double click to connect to KNIME Hub.

img connect to hub from ap
Figure 13. Connect to KNIME Hub from KNIME Analytics Platform

You will be redirected to the sign in page if you are not connected in the current session already.

Once you are signed you will see all your spaces in the KNIME Explorer under the My-KNIME-Hub mount point.

img hub mountpoint connected
Figure 14. A user connected to KNIME Hub from KNIME Analytics Platform

Here you can perform different types of operations on:

  • Spaces: you can create a new space, change the name or delete an existing space. You can also open the space page on KNIME Hub or copy the link to the space. To do this right-click the space from the KNIME Explorer and select the desired option from the context menu that opens.

  • Items:

    • Upload items to your KNIME Hub spaces, download, move, delete, or rename your items. More information about this functionality is provided in the next section.

    • Open workflows as local copy or on KNIME Hub, or copy their URL. To do so right-click the desired item and select the options from the context menu.

    • Create workflow groups, which are subfolders that you can use to organize your items in the space. To do so right-click the space and select New Workflow Group…​ from the context menu.

Upload items to KNIME Hub

Once you are connected to your KNIME Hub account from KNIME Analytics Platform you can upload the desired items to your KNIME Hub spaces.

You can upload workflows or components to any of your spaces by:

  • Dragging & dropping the item from your local mount point to the desired location in the KNIME Hub mount point, or by

  • Right-clicking the item from KNIME Explorer and selecting Upload to Server or Hub from the context menu. A window will open where you will be able to select the location where you want to upload your workflow or component.

    img deploy to hub
    Figure 15. Upload a local item to your KNIME Hub mount point

Please notice that if the items are uploaded to a public space they will be available to everyone, hence be very careful with the data and information (e.g., credentials) you share.

Move items within KNIME Hub

You can move items that you uploaded to KNIME Hub to a new location within the space that contains the item or to a different space that you have access to. To do this you need to be connected to the KNIME Hub mount point on KNIME Analytics Platform. You can then move the items within KNIME Hub just by dragging the item in the KNIME Explorer.

Delete items from KNIME Hub

You can also delete items that you uploaded to KNIME Hub. To do so you can:

  • Connect to KNIME Hub mount point on KNIME Analytics Platform. Right-click the item you want to delete and select Delete…​ from the context menu

  • From KNIME Hub, sign in with your account and go to the item you want to delete. Click the three dots on the top right of the page and select Delete workflow.

    img delete item from hub
    Figure 16. Delete a workflow from KNIME Hub

Collaboration on KNIME Hub

KNIME Community Hub is also the place where you can collaborate with the KNIME Community.

Once you have created your profile and uploaded your items in your public spaces you can share them with others, you can remain engaged in other people’s work by liking items or leaving a comment. Finally, you can also add other users from the KNIME Community as contributors to your public spaces. They will be able to access your space from their KNIME Hub profile and from their KNIME Hub mount point on KNIME Analytics Platform, download, and upload workflows or components. Add contributors to your spaces to collaborate on a project and keep all workflows always accessible in one place.

Recently, KNIME Hub Teams has been added to KNIME Community Hub. This feature allows you to create a team on KNIME Hub. A team is a group of users on KNIME Hub that work together on shared projects. You will be able to create Spaces that collect your team resources, such as components, workflows and data files, to which all the team members will have access.

Like items on KNIME Hub

If you find an item on KNIME Hub that has been very useful for you or that you particularly like you can leave a like by clicking the heart icon on the top right of the page. All the items you liked will be shown on your user profile under Overview. See how much the KNIME Community has been engaged in specific items by looking at the number of downloads and likes that a specific item has received.

img kudos downloads
Figure 18. Number of downloads and likes of an item on KNIME Hub


You can discuss a specific workflow on KNIME Community Hub in the session Discussion of the workflow page.

If a discussion has not been started yet you can click Start Discussion, or Continue Discussion in case you want to participate in a discussion that has already started.

You will be redirected to the respective discussion thread on KNIME Forum.


KNIME Community Hub Teams is a paid service offered on the KNIME Community Hub.

A team is a group of users on KNIME Hub that work together on shared projects. Specific Hub resources can be owned by a team (e.g., spaces and the contained workflows, files, or components) so that the team members will have access to these resources.

You can purchase a team and choose the size of the team, meaning the number of users that will be able to access the team resources, and the disk space that you need to save your team workflows, data, and components.

The team can own public or private spaces. For more details see the section Team owned spaces.

The items that are stored in a team’s public space will be accessible by everyone and be presented as search results when searching on KNIME Community Hub. However, only team members will have upload rights to the public spaces of the team.

Also, since only the team members have read access to the items that are stored in a team’s private space KNIME Community Hub users that are part of a team can collaborate privately on a project.

Create a team

To create a team you need to subscribe to a Team Plan. To do so sign in with your KNIME Hub account or go to KNIME Hub pricing page. Here you can proceed with the subscription to the Team Plan.

img pricing

You will be asked to provide the details of the account and to choose your subscription plan. You can choose how much disk storage and how many users you would like to purchase. The basic plan consists of 30GB of disk storage and a total number of 3 users. Please note that the subscription will be automatically renewed every month if not canceled and that users and disk storage can be adjusted later. Your usage will be prorated for the next billing cycle. To change or cancel your subscription follow the instructions in the section Manage team subscription.

Once you have successfully purchased a team you can assign it a name and start adding members to your team. The number of members that can be added to the team is limited to the number of users that you purchased.

There are two types of roles a user can be assigned when part of a team:

The team creator is automatically assigned administrator role and can promote any of the team members to administrators. In order to do so please follow the instructions in the section Manage team members.

Team owned spaces

A team can own an unlimited number of both public and private spaces.

  • Team owned public spaces: The items that are stored in a team’s public space will be accessible by everyone and be presented as search results when searching on KNIME Community Hub. Only team members will have upload rights to the public spaces of the team.

  • Team owned private spaces: Only the team members instead have read access to the items that are stored in a team’s private space. This will then allow KNIME Community Hub users that are part of a team to collaborate privately on a project.

You can create a new space by going to the team’s profile. To do so click your profile icon on the top right corner of KNIME Hub. In the tile Create new space click Private space to create a private space for your team, or Public space to create a public space. You can then change the name of the space, or add a description. You can change or add these also later by going to the relative space page and clicking the space name or Add description button to add a description for the space.

You can also change the visibility of the space from private to public and vice-versa or delete the space. To do so, from the space page click the three vertical dots as shown in the image below.

img change visibility delete space
Figure 19. Change visibility or delete an existing team owned space

Manage team members

You can manage your team by going to the team’s profile. To do so click your profile icon on the top right corner of KNIME Hub.

img teamowner profile icon
Figure 20. Select a team to go to the team’s profile page

In the dropdown menu that opens you will see your teams. Select the team you want to manage to go to the corresponding team’s profile page.

img team profile page
Figure 21. The team’s profile page

Here you can click Manage team button to open the Manage Team Members side panel, as shown in the image below.

img manage team members
Figure 22. Manage team members

You will see here a list of the team members and their assigned role.

From here a team admin can change the role of the team members. To do so click the drop down arrow close to the name and select the roles you want to assign to each user.

img change team members role
Figure 23. Manage team members roles

Then click Save changes button to apply your changes.

Add members to a team

To add a new member enter the user name of the users that you want to add to the team in the corresponding field in the Manage Team Members panel then click Save changes button to apply your changes.

In case you added more users than allowed by purchase you will be notified with a message. Please remove the exceeding users or purchase more users.

Delete members from a team

To delete a member go to the Manage Team Members panel and click the bin icon for the user you want to delete. Then click the Save changes button to apply your changes.

Change team name

In the team’s profile page you can also change the name of the team. To do so click the pencil icon close to the name of the team under the team logo on the left side of the page.

img change team name
Figure 24. Change name of the team

Insert the new name and click the check yellow button to confirm.

Manage team subscription

In the team’s profile page you can also manage your subscription by selecting Settings on the side menu.

img change team settings
Figure 25. Manage team subscription

Here you can:

  • Change subscription: Click Change subscription to contact KNIME in order to change the number of team members or the disk storage. Your usage will be prorated for the next billing cycle.

    Please also allow a minimum of 3 business days for processing the subscription changes.

  • Cancel subscription: Click Cancel subscription to contact us if you want to cancel your subscription. Your team and its spaces will be deleted.

    Please send us your request at least 3 business days before the end of your subscription cycle.


You can add any other user of KNIME Community as a contributor to any of your public spaces.

To add a user as a contributor to a public space go to the space and click the pencil tool close to your profile icon.

img add contributor
Figure 26. Add a contributor to a public space

In the Manage contributors panel that opens you can add contributors by inserting their KNIME Hub user name. Then click Add and Save changes.

img manage contributors
Figure 27. Manage contributors on a public space

In the same panel, you can also manage the contributors. Click on the bin icon to remove a contributor from the space.

When you are added as a contributor to a space you will be able to see the space under Spaces in your profile page and also listed in your KNIME Hub mount point from KNIME Analytics Platform.

Contributors have edit rights for the space they are added to. They can add and edit workflows or components on the space. They do not have the same rights that the owner of the space has. Only the owner of a space can change the space name or change the space visibility to private.

Please notice that since contributors can only be added to public spaces, the contributors will not have access to the space anymore in case the space visibility is changed from public to private.